W. Babylon, NY: Rob Longiaru, a Biologist from Seaford, NY, won the $3,000 top prize at LIGBT’s 2015 Winter Major at AMF Babylon. Rob bowled a “clean” 224 handicap game to defeat second place finisher Rich Patson, Lindenhurst, NY by 8 pins. Rich earned $1,500 with his 216 while Abel David, Franklin Square, NY finished third with a 183 worth $750.
The Winter Major Shootout was not decided until the final frame. Consistency won this match as Rob filled every frame with 8 spares and 2 strikes. Richie had his only open in the 8th frame but could have still won the title with a double in the tenth. Richie struck on the first ball but got a 6 count on his second shot to settle for second place. Abel could not get comfortable on the lanes and had 5 opens forcing him to settle for third place.
The LIGBT Winter Major drew a 2-day record crowd of 339 entries, advanced 60 bowlers to the finals, and paid out over $15,000. Eight Brunswick Fortera Intriques were won by: Redy Bugaoan, Terry Cooper, Angelo DeSena, Rob Longiaru, Vinny LoRe, Alex Padmore, Mike Simeone, and George Williams. Cut scores were as low as 717 and as high as 762. High handicap series for the 5 squads was shot by Abel David in the Sunday 3pm squad with an 871.
LIGBT’s next tournament is a “house shot” event at Farmingdale Lanes. Top prizes are guaranteed to pay $1,000 & $500. One in 6 will cash each squad for a minimum of $60. Preregistered cash entry fees are only $60 and $50. For complete results of the 2015 Winter Major please visit www.ligbtour.com. The LIGBT is sponsored by Brunswick, Kegel, Randi Siegel Law Offices, and CLS Custom Upholsterers.