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Feb 23, 2025

Garden City, NY: The LIGBT ran Sport Shot Series #5 at AMF Garden City on Sunday and had the lowest scoring final shootout in its 17-year history! Tom Mullahey, Wantagh, NY won his first LIGBT title, and the $1,000 top prize, by defeating Maniram Basdeo, Bronx, NY 202-184. While Maniram earned $500 for 2nd place, finishing in 3rd was Shawn Cummings, Middle Village, NY with a 146 worth $300. Rounding out the top 4 was Eric Vecchi, Islip Terrace, NY with a 140 worth $250.

The final shootout on the “Alcatraz” pattern proved very challenging for all 4 bowlers. All 4 bowlers had only 1 strike and there was a total of 23 opens in the shootout. Tom had the least amount of opens (3) which propelled him to victory. Maniram fought the entire match and closed the lead with 4 spares in a row to finish his game. Shawn and Eric probably shot their worst game in a long time and had to settle for 3rd and 4th respectively.  

The LIGBT 2-squad sport shot tournament drew 75 entries, paid out $3,785 in prize money, and had 21 bowlers go to the cashing window. The side action awarded an additional $2,295 bringing the total event payout to $6,080.  

Scores to cash on the “Alcatraz” pattern were 636 at noon and 631 at 2pm. The wildcard winner was Darcy Monroe with a 1,280 six-game series. High series of the day was shot by our 4th place finisher Eric Vecchi with a 705 series in the 12pm squad.  

LIGBT’s next tournament is a 2-day House Shot Major at AMF Garden City on Friday, February 28th and Sunday, March 2nd. To view the results of the AMF Garden City sport shot event please visit The LIGBT is sponsored by Brunswick, Turbo, Many Styles of Bowling, WON Network, and Randi B. Siegle Attorney at Law.