Babylon, NY: Scott Kampf, a youth bowler from Levittown, NY, performed like an adult at LIGBT’s Winter Major to win a $3,000 scholarship and his first LIGBT trophy. Finishing second was Ed Eng, Flushing, NY earning $1,500 and third place went to Michael Conroy, Mahopac, NY who earned $750. A total of 343 bowlers competed in the 3-day tournament which paid out over $30,000.
Scott, who comes from a very fine bowling family, shot the high handicap series of the tournament with an 846 giving him 3-byes in the finals. Scott was fortunate to advance to the final shootout as two bowlers ahead of him opened in the final frame while he doubled. The final shootout had a shocking finish as Eddie Eng, who started the final match with 5 consecutive strikes, needed a mark in the tenth to win the tournament. Ed left a 3-10 split which he didn’t convert giving Scott the title. Finals scores in the shootout were Scott 275, Ed 268, and Mike 206.
Scoring throughout the weekend was relatively high compare to regular LIGBT events. But while the cut scores were always in the 700’s throughout the weekend the final round cut scores were much lower probably due to the pressure of bowling for big money. The LIGBT gave away 3 marathon entries into The Amateur Bowler’s Championships in Las Vegas for the high 6-game series each day. The winners were; Eric Vecchi, Dave Soren, and Bill Verni.
LIGBT’s next tournament is a regular 2-squad handicap tournament at AMF Plainview on Sunday, April 7th (1pm & 3pm) For complete results of the AMF Babylon tournament please visit www.ligbtour.com. The LIGBT is sponsored by Brunswick, Kegel, Randi Siegel Law Offices, Farmingdale Wellness Centers, and CLS Custom Upholsterers.