


Via Email:


Sep 20, 2010

In bowling a perfect game is 300 and the LIGBT believes a bowler should be rewarded for such a great accomplishment. Beginning with our first event in Season 3, and continuing throughout all 36 tournaments, a 300 game jackpot will be offered.

To win the 300 game jackpot a scratch bowler must bowl a 300 or a handicap bowler must shoot a 300 game with their handicap (bonus pins are not counted) during qualifying. If more than one 300 game is rolled in qualifying the jackpot is divided equally. For a handicap bowler to win the jackpot they must have bowled at least 9 games with the LIGBT.

The LIGBT will start the jackpot at $500. The jackpot will continue to grow every event until it is hit. When it is hit the bowler(s) that break the jackpot will win the amount in the jackpot minus $250. The $250 will be used to start the jackpot at the next tournament.

The jackpot is funded through entry fees so no additional monies are required to be eligible. Every time a bowler is a walk-in entry $2 of their entry fee goes into the jackpot. Money collected at an event will be added to the jackpot at the next event.