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League Details



The LIGBT is pleased to announce it has created a unique league experience. How would you like to participate in a monthly league where at every session the top teams win instant cash! In addition to the monthly payouts the league features an incredible prize fund where all teams cash and the winning team earns $10,000 with only 24 teams.


  • The league will take place at bowling centers in Suffolk (6), Nassau (6), & Queens (2).
  • League sessions will run either Saturday (6) or Sunday (8) around noon.
  • The league schedule will be 14 weeks beginning October 29th and finishing August 5th.
  • The league fee is $50 per bowler per session WITH 100% OF THE MONEY RETURNED TO THE PRIZE FUND OR TO PAY LINAGE.
  • Each team will field a 3-person scratch trio (660 max) and a 3-person handicap trio.
  • Bowlers don’t have to bowl every month! Change your lineup every session.
  • All teams will earn a minimum of $600 at the end of the league.
  • Each league session will pay out instant cash to the top team point earners.
  • Scratch and handicap brackets, pots, and other side action will be offered.
  • A 5-game handicap and scratch marathon will follow some of the league sessions.

The Traveling Trios League

League Prize Fund & Financials



  • Each team will field a 3-person scratch trio & 3-person handicap trio each session.
  • Using a regular USBC team schedule the scratch trio will bowl against another scratch trio and the handicap trio will bowl against the same team’s handicap trio.
  • Each trio will bowl 3 games on the same lanes using the house shot. Bowling should take around 2 hours to complete.
  • Each league session will feature the following 26 point system:
    • 3 points for winning the team game
    • 1 point for each individual match point won
    • 1 point for each individual series point won
    • 2 points for high team game
    • 3 points for total wood
  • After the 3 games are completed the total points earned by each team’s scratch and handicap trio will be totaled to determine how many points their team earned for the day. The top point earners for the day will earn instant cash!
  • Just like in a regular league the points for each session are totaled and a standings sheet is created. The points keep accumulating until the 14th session where the team with the most points wins first place.


  • All bowlers must have a USBC average of at least 21 games listed on bowl.com.
  • Bowlers will use their highest composite average from the past 2 years. We can go back as many as 3 years if a member has not recently bowled in a sanctioned league.
  • Bowlers without an average will come in at 240 and use that average until 9 games have been bowled.
  • Bowlers cannot drop more than 10 below their entering average.
  • There will be a 660 max for scratch teams. There is no maximum or minimum for handicap teams.
  • Handicap will be based on 90% of 240.
  • All bowlers are welcomed as long as they are USBC sanctioned and in good standing.
  • If a team has a blind (absent bowler) it must pick a bowler off their current roster with that bowler receiving 10 pins off their average each game. For the individual bowling against a blind the bowler must beat the missing bowler’s handicap score.
  • If a team has at least 1 bowler per trio they can earn points for that session as long as the $300 league fee is paid in full.
  • If both teams have a blind they must be matched against each other with the winning team earning the individual point.
  • Each team must pay $300 per league session (6 bowlers x $50). Failure to pay the full amount is automatic forfeit.
  • If a team fails to floor a legal lineup for any league session they are considered in default and will forfeit all prize money earned.
  • Teams can have as many bowlers on their roster. A bowler must have 6 games in the league to bowl a position round or the last 2 sessions.
  • Teams can add bowlers throughout the season but once a bowler has joined a team they will not be allowed to bowl on another team for the rest of the league season.
  • There is no maximum or minimum number of league sessions a member on a roster must bowl. Some bowlers may only bowl once and others may bowl every session.
  • The LIGBT will run the entire league at no cost and keep track of everyone’s average and the number of events each roster member bowls in.
  • Each team will choose a shirt design that will be provided by the league. All team members must purchase a team shirt and wear it at all league sessions.
  • If a bowler fails to wear the team shirt there will be a $25 fine. A second offense by the same bowler means they will not be permitted to bowl the current session.
  • No pre bowling or post bowling permitted.
  • Each team must announce a captain for each session. The captain is responsible for team payment and sending in the lineups for the day.
  • All teams must e-mail their lineups to the LIGBT by Friday 6pm. Changes will be permitted prior to bowling. Our goal is to have everyone’s name and handicap on the score monitor when you arrive at the center.


  • Anyone can own a team—there is no franchise fee.
  • To register your team please call; 516.364.0890 or log onto ligbtour and click on the travel league button.
  • A maximum of 24 teams will be permitted in year one.
  • Individuals that would like to join the league can contact the LIGBT and we will make every attempt to get you on a roster.